Tweet To Congress! 2018 #TIPreport
Human Trafficking
June 2018
Each year, the State Department releases a critical tool to shed light on the present state of human trafficking around the world. It’s called the Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report.
On Thursday, June 28, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo released the 2018 TIP Report. Most notably, the Report reveals the truth regarding the progress global nations have made towards ending this crime, and it’s a great opportunity to raise the profile of this issue with our elected leaders.
Research by the Congressional Management Foundation (CMF) has shown that it takes as little as 10 tweets to bring an issue on the radar of Congressional staff. We will make sure Congressional offices know the importance of the TIP Report in the fight against slavery.
Send a tweet to Congress
1. Find your members of Congress.
2. Here are some sample tweets, but feel free to craft your own. Just be sure to use the #TIPReport and download one of the image below to use with your tweet. To download the image, just right-click and select "save image as...".
Slavery is undeniable. @SENATORNAME, please protect the integrity of the #TIPReport + funding that rescues slaves & stops traffickers.
On behalf of myself & other advocates in STATE, please protect the integrity of #TIPReport, @SENATORNAME.
Slavery is stoppable, @SENATORNAME. We need you to protect the integrity of the #TIPReport + programs that rescue slaves & stop traffickers.