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Ending Slavery: We Have The Will And There Is A Way

January 2014

What does 2014 hold for the fight against modern-day slavery?

IJM’s Gary Haugen joined The New York Times columnist Nick Kristof and other leaders of anti-trafficking organizations (GEMS, Not For Sale, UNICEF) on a Google Hangout to discuss approaches to combating modern-day slavery.

Recent reports tell us that there are 29.8 million people around the world living in slavery today. Whether in the form of bonded labor or sex trafficking, the number of human beings who are being oppressed is immense. Human trafficking happens in nearly every country around the world, including the United States.

This problem of great magnitude demands a response of even greater magnitude. This may sound like a tall order, and it is. But what we can take from this discussion is that this greater response does exist, it is in fact possible to end slavery. If we have the will, there are many ways in which we can all contribute to the ongoing fight to rid the earth of this evil.

Watch the hangout below!

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