Holly Burkhalter Testifies Before Senate Foreign Relations Committee!

July 2012
Last Tuesday, IJM Vice President of Government Relations Holly Burkhalter testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee about effective tools and policy improvements that are needed to fight human trafficking in the next ten years.
Senators John Kerry, Barbara Boxer, Marco Rubio, Dick Durbin, Ben Cardin and Jim Webb joined the conversation with the three panelists who testified including Holly, Humanity United's Vice President for Policy and Government Relations David Abramovitz, and actress and activist Jada Pinkett-Smith. After the testimonies, the Senators engaged questions on how to best implement these proposed policies in the following years so that the United States remains on the forefront in the fight against human trafficking.
You can find the full video of the hearing here: http://bit.ly/OBcVPl. Or read Holly's full testimony: http://bit.ly/MaPbTF