IJM President Gary Haugen is Speaking at TED2015 Today
Human Trafficking
Today, in Vancouver, Canada, IJM President and Founder Gary Haugen will be delivering a TED Talk at the marquee TED event of the year. TED2015's theme is Truth & Dare, and will provde a forum where "thinkers, dreamers and mavericks meet to talk about our world — and what's coming next."
Launched in 1984 as a single event, the TED conference series officially began in 1990 and has emerged as one of the premiere platforms for launching a new idea into the world. Originally standing for "Technology. Entertainment. Design.," TED Talks have grown in popularity and scope over the past three decades.
Gary's most recent book, The Locust Effect, was featured on TED's own blog among "Books to get you ready for TED2015." He was also highlighted by Forbes as one of the "5 TED 2015 Activists That Are Fighting for Social Justice."
Talks from the conference will be released over the course of the year and available to view on TED's website for free.
Follow us along on Twitter at @IJM as we live tweet Gary's talk, and get a TED2015 insider's look by following @GaryHaugen.
Stay tuned for an announcement when Gary's talk goes live on TED.com!
In Vancouver? The following locations will be livestreaming TED2015 free of charge!
Vancouver Public Library * Science World * University of British Columbia, Faculty of Education and main library branch * Potluck Café Society * Langara College * Emily Carr University of Art + Design * The AMP * Vancouver Community Network * Wolrige Foundation * Stratford Hall Secondary School