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Press Release

British High Commission Commends IJM for Outstanding Support in Abuse Case
In December 2014, a British court convicted Simon Harris for sexually abusing Kenyan street boys and possessing indecent images of children. He had...
WEF 2015: Putting Justice on the Table in Davos
International Justice Mission President and CEO Gary Haugen is in Davos, Switzerland for the 45th annual World Economic Forum to raise the profile of...
Football Players, Men in Kilts Join Dressember Movement in Fight for Justice
A simple fashion challenge—wear a dress every day in December to fight for the inherent dignity of all women—has spread far and wide in quest to help...
International Justice Mission Joins Global Leaders at the Vatican to Rally in Fight Against Slavery
On this International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, International Justice Mission’s founder and president, Gary Haugen, joined global religious...
IJM’s Holiday Catalog Features 100+ Gifts to Bring Light to World’s Darkest Areas on Giving Tuesday
Instead of opening gifts this Christmas, many of the poorest and most vulnerable will open their eyes to another day enslaved, oppressed and afraid....
'Dressember' Movement Celebrates Femininity to Hit Hard at Human Trafficking and Violence Against Women
Wear a dress every day in December; Funds raised will support International Justice Mission’s groundbreaking work to free women in oppression
International Day of the Girl Highlights Need for Protection from Violence
International Justice Mission Urges United Nations to Respond
IJM Launches New "Time For Justice" Campaign in Australia
Australian Attorneys Challenged to Donate Hourly Rate Charge to Combat Sex Trafficking in Cebu
Tennessee Declares "IJM Day"
Tennessee is the focal point this week for the national and international fight against human trafficking. Events scheduled today, Friday and...

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More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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