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Labor Trafficking

Five Families Rescued from Years of Bonded Labor Slavery
Thanks to the quick work of local government officials and an IJM team, 18 children, women and men are now free from bonded labor slavery at an...
Two Dozen Rescued with New IJM Partner, in New State
Last week, IJM staff supported local authorities and partners in a rescue operation to free 24 people from forced labor slavery at a brick kiln,...
Rescued Families Return Home as Kiln Owner Faces Charges
This week, hundreds of families rescued in IJM’s largest anti-slavery operation ever returned to their home villages, and the man responsible for...
More than 550 Rescued in IJM's Largest Anti-Slavery Operation Ever
In an ongoing rescue operation, Indian police and IJM staff have rescued 564 children, women and men from forced labor slavery at a massive brick...
Four Convicted in Bangalore, Setting New Milestone for IJM’s Anti-Slavery Work
Last week, an Indian court made great strides in protecting the poor by convicting two brick kiln owners and two supervisors who had forced...
Supreme Court Sends Strong Message in Upholding Slave Owner Conviction
DELHI, INDIA – A former slave owner will remain behind bars for another two years after the Indian Supreme Court upheld a conviction on Dec. 1...
IJM Helps Rescue Nine Slaves Trapped in Brick Kiln for 12 Years
CHENNAI, INDIA-- Twelve years. That’s how long nine people, including three children, were held in bondage as they labored 13-14 hours a day in a...
Cyclists Embark on 500-Mile Journey to End Slavery
This week, a group of strangers donned helmets and hopped on their bikes, setting off on a six-day journey from Seattle to Portland. The cyclists are...
Dozens Rescued From Slavery on Worm-Harvesting Farm
By Sanjay Sojwal, IJM Director of Field Communications, who is in India on assignment.

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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