
Supreme Court Sends Strong Message in Upholding Slave Owner Conviction
DELHI, INDIA – A former slave owner will remain behind bars for another two years after the Indian Supreme Court upheld a conviction on Dec. 1...
December 04

IJM Helps Rescue Nine Slaves Trapped in Brick Kiln for 12 Years
CHENNAI, INDIA-- Twelve years. That’s how long nine people, including three children, were held in bondage as they labored 13-14 hours a day in a...
November 09

Canadian Seeks 100 Million Pennies to End Slavery
A current campaign in Canada aims to raise $1 million in pennies—creatively using change to bring change in the movement against modern-day slavery.
July 25

Dozens Rescued From Slavery on Worm-Harvesting Farm
By Sanjay Sojwal, IJM Director of Field Communications, who is in India on assignment.
July 17

Today is Juneteenth: Keep Up the Fight to End Modern-Day Slavery!
Originally posted in 2015, updated in 2021.
June 19th is Juneteenth - the oldest-known celebration commemorating the end of slavery in the United...
June 19

Third Massive Slavery Rescue This Year Shows Disturbing Trend
Another 117 former slaves are safely home this week following IJM’s third massive rescue operation with officials in India this year. The latest...
May 20

IJM's Largest Operation in Bangalore Frees 260 Slaves
In a single day, 260 people were rescued from forced labor slavery in brick factories just outside Bangalore. The remarkable operation was led by two...
May 05

Gary Haugen's TED Talk Highlights What's Missing in Fight to End Poverty
“The Locust Effect” author warns until everyday violence against the poor ends, development efforts will disappoint
April 20

Martial Arts Students Kick Off Justice Campaign to Help End Slavery
This April 2015, martial arts students across Canada are breaking boards to help end modern-day slavery.
April 06