8 Days. 8 Operations. 88 Rescued.
September 14: Four Girls Freed
The wave of rescues began when IJM assisted police in saving four girls from a private sex trafficking network in...
September 29

Human Trafficking
Anti-Slavery Organization International Justice Mission Announces Grant from Walmart Foundation to Address Human Trafficking in Thai Fishing Industry
Today International Justice Mission (IJM), the world’s largest international anti-slavery organization, announced support from the Walmart Foundation...
September 21

IJM Launches Project to Combat Labor Trafficking in Cambodia
USAID/Winrock International Grant to Address Cross-Border and Domestic Labor Trafficking
August 05

Police Abuse of Power
IJM Urges Swift Justice, System Reform as Four Police Charged in Murders
A global petition seeks to demand justice for the murders of Willie Kimani, Josephat Mwenda, and Joseph Muiruri
July 19

Police Abuse of Power
IJM Announces Deaths of Three Individuals Associated with its Kenya Operations Following Their June 23rd Disappearance
With deep mourning, International Justice Mission (IJM) today announced that three individuals associated with the organization, including staff...
July 01

Sex Trafficking
Three Bangladeshi Women Rescued in Kolkata Red-Light District
This week, police in Kolkata enlisted IJM’s help in rescuing three young women trafficked from Bangladesh and forced into prostitution in one of the...
May 12
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