Human Trafficking
IJM Welcomes Release of the 2023 TIP Report
Released annually by the U.S. Department of State, the TIP Report ranks each country based on the strength and effectiveness of its anti-trafficking...
June 15

Boat Patrol Program Begins Rescuing Children on Lake Volta
A new boat patrol unit rescuing children on Lake Volta means there are fewer places for traffickers to hide.
June 08

Parobai's Story
Parobai wanted the best for her family. But the lies of a recruiter led her, her husband and their two daughters into bonded labor at a sugarcane...
June 01

Online Sexual Exploitation of Children (OSEC)
IJM Supports the EARN IT Act of 2023
IJM welcomes the reintroduction and committee passage of the EARN IT Act, a bipartisan bill that aims to combat the online sexual exploitation of...
May 24

Online Sexual Exploitation of Children (OSEC)
We’re Closer to Protecting Kids from Sexual Abuse Online
Children need companies to design platforms for safety as effectively as they innovate for profit. Kids need governments to regulate the internet the...
May 11

Violence Against Women & Children
IJM Peru and Paz y Esperanza Host Survivors Retreat
IJM Peru and NGO partner hosted the “More than Conquerors” retreat for child survivors of sexual violence in central Peru.
May 05
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