
Online Sexual Exploitation of Children (OSEC)
Four Ways the EARN IT Act Protects Kids Online
The EARN IT Act is one piece of legislation before Congress that aims to protect kids online. What does the bill do? Who supports it? What can you do...
January 26

Labor Trafficking
What is Bonded Labor?
An estimated 15.5 million people in South Asia are exploited by traffickers through a common form of labor trafficking called bonded labor or debt...
January 16

Labor Trafficking
Wonka: An Unexpected Chance to Teach about Human Trafficking
Wonka reveals itself to be a surprising opportunity to talk and educate about the realities of human trafficking this Human Trafficking Awareness...
January 11

Child trafficking is nothing like in the movies. Here’s why that’s very good news.
Five examples of how child trafficking has been portrayed in movies, and how they compare to IJM’s real work in the Dominican Republic.
October 06

Sex Trafficking
How IJM helped the Dominican Republic reduce child sex trafficking by 78%
In the 2000s, if you sold a child for sex in the DR you would be more likely to win the lottery jackpot than to receive a conviction. But things have...
July 14

Online Sexual Exploitation of Children (OSEC)
We’re Closer to Protecting Kids from Sexual Abuse Online
Children need companies to design platforms for safety as effectively as they innovate for profit. Kids need governments to regulate the internet the...
May 11

Online Sexual Exploitation of Children (OSEC)
Ruby's Story Unfolds in Gripping, True Crime Podcast
Ruby*, an IJM Survivor Leader, has long been a fierce advocate to end the online sexual exploitation of children. Now, her story has been brought...
October 31

Labor Trafficking
Thriving in Freedom, Child Trafficking Survivor’s Dreams of Becoming a Doctor Now Back on Track
As a child, Godwin was a confirmed bookworm. He grew up in a small town, where his parents struggled to care for him or send him to school....
August 22

Human Trafficking
Bridging Language Barriers with Cutting-Edge Tech
Translation has been a key need for our teams in the field. This new technology works without reliance on online language resources because all of...
August 18