Breaking News

Sexual Violence
Strong Sentencing for Bolivian Uncle Indicates Crackdown on Family Abuse
After two years of relentless effort by the IJM team, a Bolivian man has been sentenced to 22.5 years for abusing his 7-year-old niece. Throughout...
May 31

Labor Trafficking
Slavery Rescue Reveals Stench in India’s Incense Industry
One hundred fifty-five people who were held as forced labor slaves in incense factories for up to three years are now free. Families were separated...
May 29

Sex Trafficking
IJM Training Exercise Leads to Rescue of Underage Girls
Four girls are now safe from being exploited in the local commercial sex trade, rescued by police only hours after an IJM training session. During...
May 27

Third Massive Slavery Rescue This Year Shows Disturbing Trend
Another 117 former slaves are safely home this week following IJM’s third massive rescue operation with officials in India this year. The latest...
May 20

Sexual Violence
Life Sentencing for American Expat Sends Strong Message to Sex Offenders Overseas
An American expat will spend the rest of his life behind bars for child sexual abuse crimes committed in the Philippines. A Los Angeles federal court...
May 19

IJM's Largest Operation in Bangalore Frees 260 Slaves
In a single day, 260 people were rescued from forced labor slavery in brick factories just outside Bangalore. The remarkable operation was led by two...
May 05

Human Trafficking
Dozens of IJM Clients Safe in Nepal; Staff Warn of Increased Trafficking Risks Following Earthquake
After the catastrophic earthquake that has so far claimed thousands of lives struck Nepal on Saturday, April 25, IJM’s team in Kolkata started trying...
May 01

Sex Trafficking
Trafficker Receives Maximum Punishment After Two Years in Hiding
Three years ago in a district courtroom outside Kolkata, Maya* stood on the wooden witness stand and boldly shared her story. She declared that the...
April 23

Sex Trafficking
Undercover Rescue Operation Frees 18 in the Dominican Republic
It was a typical Wednesday afternoon at a private house party in the Dominican Republic, the most-visited destination in the Caribbean. But moments...
April 21