
Meet Foli: Child Slavery on Lake Volta
Foli was raised by his grandparents in a loving home in Ghana several hours from the largest man-made lake in the world: Lake Volta. They wanted to...
November 05

Rescue in Ghana: 100th Child Free Since Start of 2017
During the first week of September, IJM supported the Ghana Police Anti-Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU) to rescue two boys who had been victims of...
September 22

31 Free After Largest IJM Ghana Rescue to Date
Anita Budu, Director of Aftercare for IJM Ghana, anxiously watched from the deck of a boat as the horizon began to pale with the light of sunrise....
April 27

24 Children Forced to Work on Lake Volta Are Now Free
On January 24, the IJM Ghana team and local authorities rescued 24 boys who had been forced to work in the fishing industry on Lake Volta.
February 14

10 Boys Rescued from Slavery on Ghana's Lake Volta
ACCRA, GHANA – Ten boys who grew up as slaves on Ghana’s Lake Volta are now free. On Friday, March 20, IJM embarked on our first-ever rescue...
March 27

IJM Announces Expansion into Ghana to Help End Child Slavery on World's Largest Reservoir
Leaders from International Justice Mission have deployed to the West African nation of Ghana to open a new field office—joining with the Ghanaian...
September 23

Exclusive Report from IJM Investigator: What Broke My Heart to Witness at Lake Volta
When I went with IJM to investigate child slavery in the West African nation of Ghana last year, I was wholly unprepared for what we saw: children...
September 23