Human Trafficking
All Hands on Deck to End Trafficking in Romania
IJM signed its first agreement to collaborate with the Romanian Government through the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ National Agency for Combatting...
March 12

Sexual Violence
Bring Violent Attackers to Justice
Violent criminals Vdon’t hesitate to prey on girls like Naomi because all too often there is no reliable system in place to bring perpetrators to...
March 06

Labor Trafficking
Four Boys Rescued, Four Suspects Arrested in Ghana
Last week, four boys ages 11, 13, 15 and 16, were rescued by IJM and our partners from the fishing industry on Lake Volta.d
March 04

Sex Trafficking
IJM Supports Authorities on an Inter-State Sex Trafficking Rescue Operation
On February 22, IJM supported police from two states as they worked together to rescue two minor girls from a cross-country sex trafficking ring.
March 03

Human Trafficking
International Justice Mission Joins with Major League Baseball and Major League Baseball Players Association in Joint Initiative As Part Of New Human Trafficking Advisory Board
February 26, 2020, WASHINGTON, D.C.— Major League Baseball’s (MLB) and MLB Players Association’s (MLBPA) support and leadership in the fight against...
February 26

The Persistent Knock for Justice
Many of you who have been praying for us know the beginnings of this story: Back in 2014, we were invited to submit a grant proposal to address...
February 25
It Takes All of Us
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