“I Will Go to School," 8-Year-Old Rescued in Ghana
Two boys were rescued out of slavery last week by the Ghana Anti-Human Trafficking police with support from International Justice Mission. The...
February 28

Sex Trafficking
High Schoolers Rescued from Sex Trafficking in Kolkata
On Monday morning, 16-year-old Mona* agreed to skip school again at her mother’s request. As she had done many times before, she followed her mother...
February 28

Labor Trafficking
Three Brothers Freed from Slavery over Father’s Debt
After 13 years of hard labor in a brick kiln, three brothers are now free from debt bondage and modern slavery after a rescue operation led by south...
February 26

Domestic Violence
Three Convictions for Domestic Violence in Uganda
This month, three men were convicted and sentenced for the crime of domestic violence in Gulu, Uganda.
February 21

Online Sexual Exploitation of Children (OSEC)
Four Days. Three Operations. 16 Children Now Safe.
Armed with a search warrant, officers from the Philippine National Police intended only to look through 71-year-old Herman Arnett Ross’s Angeles City...
February 20

Online Sexual Exploitation of Children (OSEC)
Wave of Rulings Ushers in Justice for Vulnerable Children
In just the first month of the year, bold judgments in Philippine courts are protecting children across the country—and global collaboration is...
February 12
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