Labor Trafficking

Labor Trafficking
Trafficker Caught on Camera Selling Families into Bondage
A stunning case of labor trafficking in Odisha has revealed the greed of middlemen who exploit the poor and traffic them into forced labor. Millions...
January 29

Labor Trafficking
12 Children Rescued from Roadside Restaurants
A 7-year-old boy was among 12 children rescued by local authorities and NGO staff over the weekend, after spending months in bonded labor at a...
January 15

Labor Trafficking
First Operation of 2021 Frees 41, Including 13 Children
In IJM’s first global rescue operation of the year, our team in India supported local authorities to free 41 people from bondage at a railway...
January 12

Labor Trafficking
Local Politician Arrested on Charges of Trafficking Five Men Into Thai Fishing Industry
NAKORN SI THAMMARAT, THAILAND - Seven suspects, including a local government official, were arrested this week on accusations of trafficking and...
December 17

Labor Trafficking
Boy Rescued and Returned Home After Three Years in Bonded Labor
Over the weekend, IJM supported local officials and our casework partners to rescue a small 13-year-old boy who had been trapped in bonded labor...
November 11

A Swim-a-thon Without A Pool
Constituent Experience Representative Jared Umberger shines a spotlight on the stories of some of our extraordinary supporters.
Every year, a...
July 02

Labor Trafficking
Arrest of a Trafficker After Three Years On the Run from Justice
In May 2017, the IJM Cambodia team watched as the panel of three trial judges found three accused persons guilty under the anti-trafficking law for...
May 31

Labor Trafficking
She Wanted a Better Life for Her Son
Mom means something special to each of us: kindness, bravery, compassion, care, hard-work, strength and certainly inspiration. Chandramma exemplifies...
May 08

Freed from Fear: Rescue Operation at Three Eucalyptus Farms
Last week, IJM joined the Karnataka State Human Rights Commission (KSHRC) and local authorities on a rescue operation to free 50 people from bonded...
March 19