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First Operation of 2021 Frees 41, Including 13 Children
In IJM’s first global rescue operation of the year, our team in India supported local authorities to free 41 people from bondage at a railway...
Boy Rescued and Returned Home After Three Years in Bonded Labor
Over the weekend, IJM supported local officials and our casework partners to rescue a small 13-year-old boy who had been trapped in bonded labor...
Kashi's Story
My name is Kashi*, and I was born in Mumbai, India. When I was 5 years old, I was taken from my family and sold to a man named Naresh* who lived in...
Kids and Parents Rescued After Five Years in Bonded Labor
On Thursday, October 22, IJM worked with local authorities to rescue five families from bonded labor at a wood-cutting site, where many had been...
IJM and Partner Rescue Two Teen Girls from a Small-Town Brothel
On October 3, IJM assisted local authorities and a partner NGO in rescuing two minor girls from sex trafficking and arresting two suspects involved...
COVID Crisis Drives Up Child Labor and Forced Labor in Textiles Industry
Recent rescue operations in the booming textiles industry of Tamil Nadu state have brought to light the way business owners are taking advantage of...
10-Year-Old Boy Freed from Goat Grazing
An expansive search has led to the safe rescue of Vignesh,* a 10-year-old boy who has spent the last two years enslaved at a goat farm.
Media Report Leads to Rescue of 150 from a Garment Factory
Ever since India’s COVID-19 lockdown began, the world has been rattled by the stories of millions of migrant laborers stranded far from their homes...
Double Operation Frees 526 from Two Brick Kilns
On Monday, IJM and our grassroots partners supported a critical rescue operation freeing 526 people who had been trapped at two abusive brick kilns...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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