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Sexual Violence

British Charity Director Found Guilty for Abusing Street Children in Kenya
Boys living on the streets of one Kenyan town say former charity director Simon Harris sexually assaulted them and threatened them with violence when...
More Than 140 Criminals Convicted for Violent Crimes So Far This Year
As the year ends, IJM teams are celebrating a number of convictions in cases of sexual violence. The following highlights from November 2014 are a...
Retired Cambodian Colonel Found Guilty for Abusing Children Living in Poverty
In one of our biggest cases of the year, a retired colonel from Cambodia’s army was convicted for raping three girls between 9 and 14 years old. The...
In Bolivia, Justice for 3-Year-Old Mona Seemed Impossible...Until It Happened
A three-and-a-half- year trial ended this month in Bolivia with justice for a little girl named Mona.* The trial lasted more than half the length of...
5 Ways Guatemala Is Safer For Children Today Than 5 Years Ago
1. Guatemala now has a law that actually defines a crime of sexual violence.
International Day of the Girl Highlights Need for Protection from Violence
International Justice Mission Urges United Nations to Respond
IJM Urges the United Nations to Add "Protection from Violence" As a Key Goal for Ending Poverty and Ensuring Human Rights Extend to All
International Justice Mission (IJM) hosts online forum in support of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and MDG500 on Aug. 18 This Monday, IJM will...
IJM President Calls Guatemalan Children His Superheroes
Two dozen boys and girls gathered with family members in IJM’s office in Guatemala on August 12. They had come on foot and by bus from all across the...
IJM President Visits Guatemala, Government Re-commits to Equip Police to Fight Sexual Violence
IJM President Gary Haugen signed a historic agreement with Guatemalan officials on August 12, which will allow IJM to train Guatemalan national...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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