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Violence Against Women & Children

Behind the Suits: Meet Lisa Slavovsky
Working with IJM’s teams around the world, Aftercare Specialist Lisa Slavovskly provides essential support to the field offices combatting child sex...
Local Radio Station Recognizes IJM Women in Leadership
Recognizing March as a month to celebrate women, a Chennai radio station recently hosted IJM Chennai’s Directors of Casework and Communications. The...
Child Abuse Perpetrator Simon Harris Sentenced to 17 Years in Prison
Justice has been served in a child abuse case that affected a large number of Kenyan children. In December, we posted about the guilty verdict in the...
Behind the Suits: Meet Mark Clookie
With 4 billion people living outside of the protection of the law, IJM relentlessly works to prove that justice is possible for people in poverty....
Op-ed: Why Justice Is Essential for Development
On December 4, the Secretary-General released a report called “The Road to Dignity by 2030: Ending Poverty, Transforming All Lives and Protecting the...
British Charity Director Found Guilty for Abusing Street Children in Kenya
Boys living on the streets of one Kenyan town say former charity director Simon Harris sexually assaulted them and threatened them with violence when...
Blog: Overcoming Ordinary Terror
It's been a month since more than 200 Nigerian girls were kidnapped from their school by the militant group Boko Haram. The world has since been...
Impunity Ends in Bolivia: Teachers Convicted for Sexually Assaulting Students Avoided Prison for Years
LA PAZ, BOLIVIA – All around the world, school is a place of learning and dreaming. It’s a place where children can reach for opportunities that...
20 Years After Rwandan Genocide, Former U.N. Lead Investigator Says Violence Against the Poor an Everyday Reality
Gary Haugen says everyday violence crushing millions of the world’s poor. Washington, D.C. (April 7, 2014) – 20 years after the genocide in Rwanda,...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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