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Breaking News

100 Years in Prison for Notorious Sex Offender in Kenya
NAIROBI, KENYA ­­­- On Thursday, August 4, 2022, a Kenyan court sentenced a notorious sex offender to 100 years in prison for sexually abusing four...
IJM’s Distinctive Response to the Ukrainian Refugee Crisis (European Anti-Trafficking Program)
6 September 2022 - IJM’s Ukrainian Crisis Response provides essential and unique support to refugees in need through direct accompaniment activities...
In a Major Judgment, 21 Customers are Convicted for Buying Minors for Sex
In a significant legal victory, a specialized child protection court in Kolkata convicted 21 men who paid for commercial sex from minors at a brothel...
Anti-Trafficking Coalition Frees Two Families from a Violent Brick Kiln
BANGALORE, INDIA – When members of an anti-trafficking coalition in Karnataka state heard about violent abuse at a local brick kiln, they quickly...
16-year-old Aung* rescued from forced labor on Myanmar fishing boat
YANGON, MYANMAR – Aung* was 16 when a recruiter lured him to work in a fishing boat in Myanmar. “Even at a young age, I wanted to help my family....
New Child-Friendly Spaces to Serve Kids Trafficked on India’s Trains
It is estimated that a child arrives alone at a major railway station in India every five minutes. These children could be seeking work to help their...
Sex Trafficker Convicted for Sexually Exploiting Two Minors in the Dominican Republic
After 20 months of trial, a Dominican court found a woman guilty of trafficking and sexually exploiting two teenagers and sentenced her to 15 years.
State Agency Keeps Officials Accountable, Triggering Three Rescues in One Month
The fate of families in bonded labor used to rest solely with the decisions of their local government. But today, victims waiting for relief can also...
Justice for Three. Safety for All.
“Gather the team. We need to pray.” These were the first words my IJM colleague Sharon Cohn Wu said after entering my office late in the afternoon...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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