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#RecessReachOut 2014

May 2014

It is summertime, and your members of Congress will soon be home for recess. This is a great opportunity for you to connect with them directly – and tell them about the issues that are important to you, their constituents!

This summer, we are asking abolitionists – like you – across the U.S.A. to join us in #RecessReachOut. Making the most of modern technology, we're going to use the access that Twitter gives us to tell our members of Congress how much their constituents care about ending modern day slavery.

Make a sign with your town’s name, an inspirational statement, and our hashtag on it. This is as easy as getting a blank piece of paper and writing, “[My town’s name] cares about ending slavery! #RecessReachOut.” Then, take a picture of you and your friends holding up the sign.

If you’re willing to go a little further, think of what represents your state (or your town or community)? This could be a mascot, a landmark, a type of food, a flower … you name it! Take a picture of yourself and your friends in front of it, holding up your sign!

Find your members of Congress on Twitter! First, check who your representative is and who your senators are. Most are on Twitter, and if you go to their sites, you can find their handles (@YourRep’sName).

You can also take note of their names and search for them in Twitter.

Tell your members of Congress that your community cares about ending slavery! Don’t forget to attach the photo you took and our hashtag, #ReachOutRecess.

A sample tweet could be, "Hi @[YourMOCsHandle]! Our town cares about ending slavery and hope you'll support the fight to end it! #RecessReachOut"

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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