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Survivor to IJMer: Kumar Completes His Degree and Joins Chennai Staff

When Kumar was rescued from a brick kiln in 2003 as a ten-year-old child, he was filled with hopes and dreams.

As a young teen, he recalled, “When I heard that someone was coming to release me, I felt very happy. I wanted to study well.”

Backed by outstanding support from IJM Bangalore, Kumar was able to pursue this desire, catch up on his education, and eventually complete his bachelor’s degree in commerce. He then set his sights on helping others and pursued a master’s degree in social work from Madras Christian College, a reputed institution in Chennai. Today, he says, “My childhood dream has come true.

“As a child, I wanted to be a police officer,” Kumar explains. “I thought it was the only way to serve the community. But later I realized that I could do way more for my community, for people like me, as a social worker. So, through self-motivation and strenuous effort, I earned my degree.”

Even more, Kumar’s heart to serve people and sheer dedication towards his community has landed him a job at IJM Chennai as a field worker, where he will work directly with survivors and vulnerable communities.

He says proudly, “As an educated man, I want to bring about a change in my community. I want to ensure that my people learn the importance of education and savings. By inculcating the habit of saving money, we can prevent bonded labor.”

IJM Chennai is thrilled to have Kumar on board and wishes him the best as he sets out to change the lives of people who are waiting for hope and freedom.

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