
Sex Trafficking
New Study in the Dominican Republic: One in 10 Individuals in Commercial Sexual Exploitation are Children
A cutting-edge study recently released by International Justice Mission reveals that one in 10 individuals engaged in commercial sexual exploitation...
April 07

Punishing The Victims: The U.S. Needs To Do Better When It Comes To Kids
On March 16, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the Organization of American States held an extraordinary hearing.
March 19

Bangalore Brick Kiln Owners are Beginning to Feel the Heat
It was a typical day’s work for Chandan as he drove customers around his village in the state of Odisha in his cycle rickshaw, dropping them at their...
March 18

St. Patrick's Day: A View on Suffering & Slavery
By Guest Blogger John Richmond, Former IJM India Director
March 17

A Conversation On The Future Of Fighting Human Trafficking
Last week, I attended a panel co-sponsored by The Heritage Foundation and The McCain Institute that addressed the topic of combatting human...
March 11

Violence Against Women & Children
Behind the Suits: Meet Mark Clookie
With 4 billion people living outside of the protection of the law, IJM relentlessly works to prove that justice is possible for people in poverty....
February 19

Holly's News From Washington - February 2015
We celebrated here at IJM when Undersecretary Sarah Sewall announced to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 11th that the U.S....
February 18

Holly's News From Washington - February 2015
Although President Obama devoted the bulk of his State of the Union address on January 20 to domestic concerns, he rightly raised the issue of ISIL...
February 05

Three Things I Learned From Campaign Failure
As our team reflects on the past two years of work pushing this policy agenda forward—including hundreds of congressional meetings, thousands of...
February 03