
Holly's News From Washington: August 2016
As you know, IJM suffered the grievous loss of our colleague Willie Kimani, our friend and driver Joseph Muiruri, and our client, Josephat Mwenda....
August 18

Police Abuse of Power
Malala Yousafzai Surprises IJM Kenya Staff with Visit
Pakistani activist and Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai visited IJM’s office in Kenya on Wednesday and offered her condolences following the murders...
July 14

Human Trafficking
The 2015 Trafficking In Persons Report Is Here—Help Spread The Word!
The release of the 2015 TIP Report presents a great opportunity for anti-slavery advocates across the country to take action!
June 24

Holly's News From Washington: May 2016
Last month, over 80 anti-slavery activists visited 78 Senate and House offices to support the End Modern Slavery Initiative, EMSI.
May 25

My Day On The Hill With Tony Hale
Something that has always struck me about advocacy is the diversity of the people who are drawn to it. This really shouldn’t be surprising, because...
May 25

Human Trafficking
This Abolition Advocate Has Something to Ask *You.* Meet Rusty.
As we continue building support for the End Modern Slavery Initiative (EMSI) Act, we asked Rusty Havens, a dedicated advocate, why he's rooting for...
May 25

Sex Trafficking
More Than Survivors: Thriving After Trafficking
On May 7, 21 young women travelled across West Bengal to gather in a gated garden along a busy Kolkata road. Some traversed more than two hours by...
May 11

This Is What I Learned On The Road (Before I Head Out Again)
My time on the road taught me three key things about mobilization.
April 13

Holly's News From Washington: Fighting Slavery Where It Occurs
The Heritage Foundation, a Washington DC-based “think tank,” recently released a paper that criticizes the End Modern Slavery Initiative (EMSI),...
April 11