United States of America

Human Trafficking
No Summer Slowdown Here: Exciting Updates From Washington, DC!
This year IJM’s Advocacy Summit/Call-In Day focused on the Human Trafficking Prioritization Act (H.R. 2283/S.1249) and a Dear Colleague Letter to...
July 02

Holly's News From Washington - May 2014
In just a few weeks, 300 anti-slavery activists from 45 states will visit hundreds of Congressional offices. On the same day, hundreds of advocates...
May 19

Holly's News From Washington - April 2014
There’s something very interesting going on in the House of Representatives right now.
April 24

20 Years After Rwandan Genocide, Former U.N. Lead Investigator Says Violence Against the Poor an Everyday Reality
Gary Haugen says everyday violence crushing millions of the world’s poor.
Washington, D.C. (April 7, 2014) – 20 years after the genocide in Rwanda,...
April 06

Holly's News From Washington - March 2014
When I first came to International Justice Mission seven years ago, IJM had tens of thousands of individual friends and hundreds of churches around...
March 21

Human Trafficking
International Justice Mission Applauds U.S. House of Representatives for Passage of Critical Anti-Trafficking Legislation
WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 25, 2014) – Global human rights organization International JusticeMission (IJM) praised the U.S. House of Representatives for...
February 28

Holly's News From Washington - February 2014
I’m proud to recommend The Locust Effect to every one of you. It is one of the most important books you’ll ever read.
February 18

Looking Back At Recipe For Change, And Ahead To What's In Store
Together, we’ve been trying to rally American food suppliers to join the Fair Food Program (FFP), which would protect farmworkers’ rights and...
February 18

Holly's News From Washington - January 2014
Last week, Representatives Peter Roskam (R-IL) and Jim McGovern (D-MA) and Senators Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) circulated a letter...
January 23