United States of America

Holly's News From Washington - The TIP Report Is Released!
On Wednesday, the State Department released its annual “Trafficking in Persons” Report, which includes tier rankings of 188 countries based on their...
June 20

It's Possible To End Slavery: Successful Models Exist
In IJM’s letter to President Obama this year—which more than 50,000 of you signed—we asked him to adopt an innovative approach to fighting slavery...
June 07

Exciting News From DC On Our Letter To The President!
The anti-slavery cause got a huge boost last week when a prestigious advisory group to President Obama released comprehensive recommendations on...
April 19

Holly Burkhalter In The Hill: A Modest Proposal - Bill Fine-Tunes Nation's Anti-Trafficking Tools
January 2013
The movie “Lincoln” is the riveting drama of the president’s securing the crucial votes needed from the opposition party to pass the...
January 17

News From Washington: Journey To Freedom
December 2012
December 11

End Trafficking In Government Contracting Act: Congress Heard Your Voice
International declarations and protocols have long outlawed slavery and united governments in the fight against human trafficking. But there are...
November 29

News From Washington: The Hard Work Begins
November 2012
On November 7, members of my team at IJM straggled in throughout the day after going to the polls in DC, Maryland and Virginia to...
November 15

Human Trafficking
End Trafficking in Government Contracting Act
The End Trafficking in Government Contracting Act requires U.S. government contractors to implement trafficking prevention programs.
October 12

News From Washington: The President Heard You
On Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2012, the President of the United States gave a speech in New York that squarely addressed the issue of modern day slavery and...
September 24