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United States of America

You Spoke, Congress Listened
Here's an update on where things stand on the 2020 appropriations bill. We've come so far, now is the time to keep advocating!
Holly's News From Washington - February 2019
As someone who has been an advocate in the human rights field for more than thirty years, the one constant I count on is the unpredictable nature of...
The Impact Of Your Advocacy: A Perspective From IJM Mumbai
In 2018, IJM Mumbai was awarded a grant from the Global Fund to End Modern Slavery, which will play a huge role in expanding our programs to combat...
Reauthorization of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA)
International Justice Mission (IJM) welcomes the reauthorization of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) by the 115th U.S. Congress. With...
Three Tips for Your Next and Best Email to Congress
The landscape of influencing Congress is evolving – as advocates with a message that impacts millions lives around the world, we must adapt our...
International Justice Mission Announces Partnership with Target to Combat Labor Trafficking
International Justice Mission (IJM), the world’s largest international anti-slavery organization, has launched a multi-year partnership with Target...
International Justice Mission Applauds the Confirmation of Ambassador-at-Large for the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons
International Justice Mission (IJM) applauds the confirmation of John Richmond as the next Ambassador-at-Large of the Office to Monitor and Combat...
Tweet To Congress! 2018 #TIPreport
On Thursday, June 28, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo released the 2018 TIP Report. Most notably, the Report reveals the truth regarding the progress...
International Justice Mission Applauds Latest Trafficking in Persons Report
International Justice Mission (IJM) welcomes the release of the 2018 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report by the Office to Monitor and Combat...

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More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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